Interprofessional Education

Interprofessional Education Programs

Pallium Canada is a national, non-profit organization focused on building professional and community capacity to help improve the quality and accessibility of palliative care in Canada.

LEAP: Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative and End-of-Life Care


Pallium Canada provides award-winning Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative Care (LEAP) courses provide practical, inter-professional and evidence-based training and tools in the palliative care approach across multiple health care settings and specialty areas.

LEAP education programs will be offered throughout the year in each area. Watch this and the Pallium Canada website for further information.


LEAP Mini is a one-day course that offers a broad introduction to the basic concepts of palliative care in a Top Ten Tips Format. LEAP Mini is led by Pallium Canada's Certified LEAP Facilitators who are experienced palliative care clinicians and educators.


LEAP Core is an interactive two-day course that offers interprofessional clinicians competency-based palliative care education based on Canadian realities and current best evidence. LEAP Core is led by Pallium Canada's Certified LEAP Facilitators who are experienced educators and champions in palliative care.

“Taking Ownership” – Online Learning Module

Free interactive module for health care professionals.

Pallium Canada is proud to launch an online version of the LEAP “Taking Ownership” module. The goal of this interactive module is to encourage healthcare professionals from different disciplines to make primary-level palliative care a part of their daily work.

The Taking Ownership module provides an introductory overview of the palliative care approach and how health care professionals from different disciplines can make primary-level palliative care a part of their daily work.This free module will give you a sense of the rich content and engaging nature of Pallium's Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative Care (LEAP) courseware.

taking ownership

Learning Objectives
  • Define “palliative care approach” and understand to what “palliative care” refers
  • Identify patients who could benefit from a palliative care approach earlier in the illness
  • Activate a palliative care approach earlier in the illness trajectory
  • Expand your role in providing a palliative care approach in your setting
Topics Include
  • “Palliative”: Overcoming the Stigma
  • Illness Trajectories
  • Identifying Patients Earlier
  • The Palliative Care Approach
  • The Language We Use
  • Palliative Performance Scale (PPS)
  • Gold Standards Framework

The module will take approximately 40 minutes to complete.


Palliative Care Education, Consultation & System Development