Advanced Palliative Practice Skills (APPS) Program
The cost of the APPS program is $40.00 (tax included).
Note: Refunds are not available.
Pay Online:
You have the (preferred) option of completing your registration by using the secure online payment facility operated by the St. Joseph's Health Care.
Note: Our online payment facility is based on .
You are not required to sign-up for a
account to pay online. Simply select the “Don't have a PayPal account?” option.
Pay by Cheque:
Alternatively, your may pay by cheque, payable to St. Joseph's Health Care.
Mail to:
Palliative Pain & Symptom Management Consultation Program, Southwestern OntarioParkwood Institute
Main Building, Room A2-152
550 Wellington Road
London, ON
N6C 0A7
Attention: Karla Kane, APPS Program Assisstant